Why you need Parental Control software

Protect the children from online predators with parental control software
Parents are always fearful about the protection of the children. It is possible for the parents to guard the children from speaking to strangers in real life, but they cannot stop the children in the cyber world. Children can be harmed through the internet. Therefore parents are concerned over the use of the internet by the children. For this, most of the parents are installing parental control software in their personal computer. Monitoring on children has become easy and convenient through spyware available in the market.

Problem of online predators is quite evident
The incident of harming children through internet has been realized for the first time in the year 1993 by Federal Bureau of Investigation. An eleven year boy has been abducted from Maryland. Therefore FBI has started to keep a record of this kind of crimes from the year 1996. More than 20,200 cases have been registered between 1996 and 2007. With the time number of the incident is constantly increasing. It has been seen that 10,000 children are sexually exploited due to unregulated internet usage. Therefore every parent should give importance to the internet usage of the children.

Children are victimized by the online predators constantly. The parents cannot leave the children unprotected. The problems of crimes related to the cyberworld are on the rise in last 14 years. There are no sign of decreasing problems. Matters of the children should be highlighted adequately. It is possible to control the situation with the parental control software.

The solution to the problems is parental control software
Children should be given chance to take the benefit of the internet. However they should be kept away from harm's way through parental control software. It will help them from potential danger. With the assistance from the parental controls the children can use the software without any problem. Children can be completely monitored through the system.

With the installation of the parental control software, children can use internet freely. The parents will be able to know about the person the child is talking to through mail, instant messaging service and chat sites. Accessing the screen of the computer is possible with this monitoring system as well. Screen shots are recorded through the software for the benefit of the parents and particular keywords and websites can be blocked by the parents as well.

Parental controls can be installed with a simple process. Therefore parents do not have to go through major technicalities in order to install the needed programs. It is possible to choose software according to the budget and requirements. Free parental software is available in the market as well. If the parents want limited functionality then they can go with the free parental control software. However for the advanced specification they have to choose branded options.

The prime motive of the parental control software is not to infringe the privacy of the children. They can easily interact with their friends. By installing the parenting software the parents can get early premonition of the danger. Therefore children can be protected from injury easily.

Employee Control Software
NetBull - Remote Monitoring Software
NetBull is the best spy software for monitoring and recording every detail of your computer and Internet activity.

NetBull includes several integrated modules that record: instant messages, websites visited, keystrokes, programs launched, passwords (including passwords stored in browsers), usernames, desktop activity, clipboard and more! NetBull keylogger is able to stop the use of specific programs and block access to any Internet address (web page).

By using the latest in computer monitoring techniques, NetBull is working fine with the most up-to-date security implemented in new Windows operating systems. NetBull can also bypass UAC, DEP, built-in Windows firewall and Windows Defender.

DownloadBuy: $64.99

NetBull Features
Monitoring Features
  • Keylogger
    NetBull Keystroke Logger will record all keystrokes typed, staying completely undetectable to users! NetBull Keylogger lets you know what was typed, in which applications, and who typed what: passwords, logins, addresses, names.
  • Application Activity Recorder
    NetBull can record all applications launched and the text anyone typed there. You will know the exact time, date, window caption and other parameters of the programs launched on your PC.
  • Passwords Tracker
    NetBull offers low-core monitoring. Besides the classical keyboard monitoring, NetBull also has a unique feature to recover the user names and passwords stored in browsers (Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari) and programs like GoogleTalk, Outlook, Windows Live Messenger etc.
  • Chat Recording
    NetBull is able to record both sides of chat conversations and instant messages. The feature works for many versions of Yahoo! Messenger, ICQ, MSN Messenger, AOL and AIM.
  • Clipboard Monitoring
    Most of the users copy and paste logins and passwords instead of typing them manually. NetBull Keylogger will crack into clipboard as well!
Stealth Features
  • 100% Undetectable
    While most of the keyloggers (monitoring programs) are detected by antivirus and antispyware software, NetBull is able to override this issue. The keylogger is hiding in system and takes the system time, and it's hiding in other system programs and cannot be seen running in Task Manager. NetBull stealth keylogger runs flawlessly with the protection system implemented in new Windows 8 - there is no prompt from UAC (User Account Control - a technology introduced 1st time with Windows Vista), DEP (Data Execution Prevention), built-in Windows firewall and Windows Defender. Windows Defender won't detect NetBull keylogger even at runtime. The full version of NetBull key logger is undetected when scanned with Windows Defender, Norton AV, Avira, McAfee, Avast and AVG!
  • Sends Stealth Logs To Email Or FTP
    You can send logs in perfect stealth mode to your email or FTP account to be well-informed what is happening on the PC while you are away. The log delivery feature works for almost all email/FTP providers, though the paid-for accounts are more reliable than the free ones.
  • Monitors Guest Accounts
    You don't need administrator privileges to install NetBull keylogger! Unlike most of the other keyloggers, NetBull can successfully install on limited Guest accounts. Also, when installing the keylogger on Administrator accounts you don't have to install it with "Run As Admin" option, only a doubleclick is enough.